Illuminated Border with Grapes, Birds and Grotesques from a Manuscript Image from public domain licenseManuscript Leaf with Initial A, from an Antiphonary, German Image from public domain licenseLeaf from a Book of Hours: Annunciation, Nativity and Two Prophets (ca. 1485) Original from The Cleveland Museum of Art.… Image from public domain licenseManuscript Leaf with Foliated Initial A, from an Antiphonary, Italian Image from public domain licenseManuscript Illumination with the Annunciation in an Initial R, from a Gradual, Upper Rhenish (ca. 1300) Image from public domain licenseInsect, English Hawthorn, Caterpillar, and European Filbert from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of… Image from public domain licenseLeaf from a Psalter and Prayerbook: Calendar Page with Labors (ca. 1524) Original from The Cleveland Museum of Art.… Image from public domain licenseManuscript Leaf with the Crucifixion in an Initial D, from a Book of Hours, North French Image from public domain licenseSuperimposed Letters Spelling the Names of Illustrious Women of Ancient Rome: Faustina, Lucretia, Virginia, Vittoria… Image from public domain licenseBasil Thyme, Poppy Anemone, and Myrtle from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by… Image from public domain licenseSweet Violet, Gourd, and Dog Tooth Violet from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by… Image from public domain licenseFrench Rose and Apple from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by Georg Bocskay and… Image from public domain licenseHyacinth, Black Mulberry, and Caterpillar from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by… Image from public domain licenseGuide for Constructing the Letter R from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by Georg… Image from public domain licenseBlackberry and Nottingham Catchfly from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by Georg… Image from public domain licenseGuide for Constructing the Letter Z from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by Georg… Image from public domain licenseRocket Larkspurs, Tulip, Scorpion, Millepede, and European Filbert from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of… Image from public domain licenseFrench Marigold from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by Georg Bocskay and Joris… Image from public domain licenseAntiphonary (ca. 1380 (Medieval-early Renaissance)) by Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni Image from public domain licenseDie schöne Sommerzeit des ewigen Lebens, so nach dem trüben Winter dieser Welt angehen wird (1603 with 1613-1616 additions)… Image from public domain licenseBook of Hours (early 16th century (Renaissance)) by Attributed to Jean Pichore Image from public domain licenseSpeckled Wood, Talewort, Garden Pea, and Lantern Plant from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy… Image from public domain licenseMiniature:saints with attendants; 20th c. painting on 14th c.Antiphonary; (1300-1400 (Gothic)) by Venetian Forger Image from public domain licenseTwo folios from Book of Hours: The Pentecost and The Virgin at the Loom (early 15th century) by French Image from public domain licenseThe Beaupré Antiphonary, vol. 2 (1290 (Medieval)) by Flemish Image from public domain licenseGospel Book (ca. 1100 (Medieval)) by French, Spanish and Léon Gruel Image from public domain licenseVol. 2 of Mercator/Braun and Hogenburg/Blaeu Composite Atlas (1595) by Gerardus Mercator and Rumold Mercator Image from public domain licenseSingle Leaf and Fragment with Crucifixion and Colophon (1516) by School of Hans Holbein the elder and Leonhard Wagner Image from public domain licenseBook of Hours (Manuscript: 4th quarter 15th century; Binding: late 19th century) by French, Influenced by Jean Bourdichon… Image from public domain licenseLeaf from Miniature Manuscript Used as a Pendant: Portrait of the Virgin (ca. 1550 (High Renaissance)) by Jacobus Romanus… Image from public domain licenseEmblem Book (1570 (High Renaissance)) by Venetian and Francesco Petrarca Image from public domain licenseTerrestrial Mollusk, Poppy Anemone, and Crane Fly from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy… Image from public domain licenseDamselflies, Caterpillars, Carnation, and Poet's Jasmine from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy… Image from public domain licenseFly, Caterpillar, Pear, and Centipede from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by… Image from public domain licenseChard Leaves and Red Winged Grasshopper from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by… Image from public domain licenseFlower Arrangements, Peacock, Butterflies, and Insect from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy… Image from public domain licenseGuide for Constructing the Letter A from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by Georg… Image from public domain licenseInsect, English Walnut, Saint John's Wort, and Crayfish from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy… Image from public domain licenseWater Gnat, Martagon Lily, Yellow–Bellied Toad, and European Screw Shell from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book… Image from public domain licenseGuide for Constructing the Ligature ae from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596) by… Image from public domain licenseThe Four Evangelists, within a Border of Flowers, Birds, and Insects by Giorgio Giulio Clovio Image from public domain licenseA Sheet of Studies of Flowers: A Rose, a Heartsease, a Sweet Pea, a Garden Pea, and a Lax-flowered Orchid by Jacques Le… Image from public domain licenseMunajat (Confidential Talks) of 'Ali ibn Abu-Talib (1200) Arabic scripture. Original public domain image from The MET… Image from public domain licenseManuscript Illumination with the Birth of the Virgin in an Initial G, from a Gradual Image from public domain licenseManuscript Leaf with the Annunciation from a Book of Hours Image from public domain licenseManuscript Leaf with the Crucifixion, from a Missal, French Image from public domain licenseManuscript Leaf with a female saint (possibly Dorothy) in an Initial G, from a Gradual Image from public domain licenseLeaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Lamb at the Foot of the Cross, Flanked by Two Angels; The Calling of Saint John with the… Image from public domain licenseThe Battle Between Arnault de Lorraine and His Wife Lydia by Loyset Liédet and Pol Fruit Image from public domain licenseManuscript Leaf with Dedication of a Book to the Virgin, German Image from public domain licenseSaint Kneeling Before God Enthroned in a Historiated Initial "V" from an Antiphonary by Neri da Rimini Image from public domain licenseManuscript Leaf with the Crucifixion, from a Book of Hours, North French Image from public domain licenseManuscript Illumination with Crucifixion in an Initial T, from a Missal, French Image from public domain licenseIlluminated Border with Grotesques, Grapes and Berries from a Manuscript Image from public domain licenseSaint Denis Holding His Head by Master of Sir John Fastolf Image from public domain licenseLeaf from a Picture Cycle: Christ Appearing to the Three Marys, Christ and the Pilgrims on the Road to Emmaus, Doubting… Image from public domain licenseSaint Dominic in a Historiated Initial "G" from an Antiphonary by Neri da Rimini Image from public domain licenseManuscript Illumination with the Martyrdom of Saint Stephen in an Initial E, from a Gradual Image from public domain licenseManuscript Leaf with the Annunciation, from a Book of Hours, South Netherlandish Image from public domain licenseManuscript Illumination with Scenes from the Life of Saint John the Baptist Image from public domain licenseManuscript Leaf with the Last Supper and the Washing of the Apostles’ Feet Leaf, from a Royal Psalter Image from public domain license